The company AVS d.o.o. is a professional company not only for charter but also for sale.

Thanks to our experience of over 10 years we can offer vessels with the best price-quality ratio, which you can combine with rental for guests and personal pleasure with family, friends, and business partners in the summer for a few weeks of your choice. Buying a yacht has always been considered a luxury, especially in Croatia, where the number of purchased ships is increasing every year.

Our company can help you make the right choice and not only guide you through the entire process but advise you on the best investment and help you calculate the annual return.

The charter investment program was developed with the goal of repaying the owner’s capital and reducing the vessel’s ongoing maintenance costs. If you purchase a vessel not only for your own pleasure but consider it as a kind of investment, then you need a reliable and honest partner who will secure the returns and keep the value of the investment during its use. With us, first of all, you can be sure that your ship is under the constant supervision of experts. The invested capital comes back after a few years, depending on the type and size of the yacht. We also take care of the weeks you want to spend on the yacht as the owner. Thanks to our many years of experience, our agency can ensure that your boat meets existing standards, and is properly displayed and chartered at a time that suits both you and the agency. This type of investment offers customers the opportunity to purchase a new or used vessel with the lowest possible investment costs.

The goal here is not to make money but to allow you to buy a vessel with a small investment, with the rental income being sufficient to cover most of your costs (leasing, maintenance, charter, marina fees, and various publications during the season …).


The pleasure of owning your own boat. You have the possibility to use your boat for up to 4 weeks a year. Additional time can be arranged with the agency and depends on the available weeks. There are significant savings in operating costs compared to private ownership.